Importance for society and opportunities for local actors

Gérard MAGNIN – Founder Energy Cities, former member of the Board of Directors of EDF, President of the cooperative JURASCIC

Pertinence sociétale des énergies renouvelables dans le monde d’aujourd’hui et opportunités pour de nouveaux acteurs de la société européenne

Gérard MAGNIN – Fondateur d’Energy-Cities,
ex-Administrateur d’EDF, Président de la coopérative JURASCIC Energies renouvelables citoyennes

Technological & economic status:  a scenario of 100% renewable energy

Henrik LUND – Professor, M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D., Dr.Techn. Department of Development and Planning

Spatial planning and German examples of local added value

Dr. Peter HECK – Professor and responsible for the environmental department of IFAS, the Institute for Applied Research on Renewable Energy, Trier

Renewable energy as an answer to climate change and its impact on biodiversity

Thierry HANCE– Professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) and Director of the biodiversity department of the LIFE AND EARTH INSTITUTE of KUL

State of the population and distribution of the Red Kite in Belgium

Jean-Yves PAQUET – Director of the Aves – Natagora studies department, Belgium

The impact of Wind turbines on raptors

Oliver KOHLE – CEO of Kohle Nusbaumer SA, specialized in the renewables and environmental protection sector, Switzerland

100 % renewable energy in Belgium by 2050

Yves MARENNE – Scientific director at ICEDD,  the advisory institute for studies on sustainable development.

Jan DUERINCK – Researcher at VITO, the Flemish Institute for Research and Technology and the programme “Energyville” in collaboration with the Catholic University of Leuven, KUL

The energy transition in Germany : a starting point for energy democracy

Craig MORRIS – Independent journalist and responsible  for the website, Co-author of the book «  Energy Democracy » (Sept. 2016).

Together for a sustainable Asse

Yoeri VASTERAVENDTS – Elderman of the municipality of Asse (Belgium)

Collaboration between Municipalities and Ecopower

Karel DERVEAUX – Project Manager at Ecopower and coordinator of the Horizon 2020 project REScoop MECISE.

Collaboration between Municipalities and Courant d’Air

Mario HEUKEMES – President of the cooperative COURANT d’AIR – Presentation of local projects in collaboration with municipilaties in East-Belgium.